People have started taking care of their diet regimen, but they still are unaware of how important their eating environment is. An unhealthy or unfavorable environment influences the mind and leaves adverse effects. It
Even if you follow a
Do Eat in a Calm and Settled Environment

Despite the hectic work schedule and irrespective nature of the job, one must find
Why Environment Is Imperative: How Beneficial to Health
- If we take our meal
hastily in unsettled surroundings , it causes stress instead of nutrition. A settled environment makes the food a blessing of peace and contentment. - A
stable posture allows energy and efforts to focus on eating and further digesting process.
Don’t Take Food at Standing Position: Sit and Eat

Why Not: How Beneficial to Health
Sitting posture relaxes the digestive tract, smoothing the progress of digestive juice secretion.
Say ‘No’ to Tight Clothing while Having Eatables

Food saying, "Gentleman! Please make some space for me. The way to your stomach appears too small to go!"
High-necked outfits, skinny jeans, ultra-fitted pants, and tight or ill-fitting clothes above the navel or around the waist lead to the
Why ‘No’: How Beneficial to Health
It also affects the abdominal muscles, resulting in
Keep Emotional Factors at Bay at Dining Table

"Sip some water; you are burning buddy!"
When you are having your meal, strictly prohibit heated arguments, deep-rooted anger, heavy discussions, hatred, bitterness, and
Why Prohibit: How Beneficial to Health
Such an
Second, it creates difficulty for the inner lining of the abdomen, causing congestion. The problem leads to
Adopt a Position of Rest after Meal
Give your belly a position of rest after having a meal. Either sit on a cozy couch or lie down on the left side. Relax for at least
Why Adopt: How Beneficial to Health
- It encourages
easy digestion . - The position arouses a
better digestive process .
Close the Doors for Strenuous Workout after Meal

Post-Eating Bad Habit: Illustration of people doing exercise, pulling weight, and performing heavy workout after taking a meal!
Heavy physical work negatively affects the digestion system.
Why Not to Work: How Beneficial to Health
Doing work distracts the proper blood supply to the organs of the abdomen and disturbs the digestive system.
Eat and Sleep at Rhythmic Interval

The modes of eating and relaxing are the most enjoyable.
When your body and mind feel tiredness and urge rest, dim the light, take your feet up, and take a
Why Adopt: How Beneficial to Health
Eating and sleeping with the tune of the clock prevents altered digestion.
Convert Adverse to Favorable: Tips to Maintain the Eating Rule Book
- In case you are supposed to perform the physical work right after having your meal, reduce the meal size.
- For better digestion, take a sound sleep at night hours.
- If you find emotional pressure or high sentiments while your mealtime,
close your eyes and relax . Try to be calm and stable. - If all the efforts prove worthless,
skip your meal andintake light fruits or drink juice or soup. - Add
soothing music to your meal and perk up your eating experience with laughter.

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