Illustration: A boy standing next to a closed door!
Move on are the easiest words to say and the toughest words to apply in your own situation. While facing this
We know the issue; we know the solution too. Then where do we lack and what are those tweaks that we miss to approach? This Snehpost shares those unapproached key formulas to get re-aligned with the better life — a
Align with Time
Life brings many ups and downs in our lives. We deal with every big or small event gracefully and move on because we know today will become history tomorrow.
It gets tough to walk with weighing their heavyweight. As a result, we either stop at one place or walk as slowly as if we are still. So the destination waits? Does time wait? Do the arms of clocks stop? No!
What Happens When We Stop but the Flow Doesn’t?
Three things never stop for anyone:
- The flow of time
- Lives of other
- The universe
But if we do, we start to leave life events
As much as we allow this time gap to widen itself, it becomes tougher to bridge the gap over time.
It’s better to take action
…And you are aligned with the time.
That's it? Yes, it is. When you shun the time, it also spurns you. In the same way, the moment you start to align with time, it also begins to support you in going with the flow. So you just need to make a start quickly and proceed calmly to let the time do the rest.
Welcome the Change: Appreciate the Universe When It Helps
There is nothing in this world that will wait or which is eternal. Neither any stuff nor any person, nor any sentiment.
In the meantime, many doors of hope, bright and opportunities open. Who says second chances don’t exist. They do exist.
Who says one can’t pass a dark way? Won’t that dark night end and the sun will rise?
But if someone just
And if you have really willed but do not know where to start, then start with the following steps:
- Accept change by accepting reality.
- Realize the law of time with hopefulness and positivity — Now will become the past just after this very moment and this all will fade in the bright of the next morning.
- Understand the importance of yourself and your beautiful life.
Spoof It

There are doors of every way. But to walk on is necessary for getting over. We just need to step further to reach or find that door.
Time never runs fast or slow, it walks at the same pace every time. It is us who stop or lead and make perceptions about life as per the ongoing events.
Remember how it appears when we journey on a train? If our train is just still and another train is running just next to our track, it appears as if our train is moving.
In the same way, some incidents make us precept that life is halted, but the fact is there are doors waiting in between the journey.
Move on before the doors get closed forever!
Let's learn how to 'spoof it' when the situations give you a tough time!
- S: Stop and let go
- P: Probe how you can get rid of a bad situation
- O: Open the Doors for welcoming a new beginning
- O: Opportunities are right there. Analyze and find the best one among the available ones.
- F: Fix the situation by taking your first step.
Learn to Deal

Maintaining relationships while an adverse situation is not less than an art.
Many break themselves while breaking the relationships with a friend, family member, or any other close ones. Have got any bad memory associated with a person? Deal with such a situation with these 5 steps:
- Accept
Every human is a human first. Understand that there are many aspects that work behind a human performing any action. A person's nature, upbringing, the journey of life, experiences, people in the circle, and many other circumstances play a vital role in how a person behaves and what one speaks. Accept that human nature itself is something very complex, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. A person himself cannot understand what he does and why he chooses certain words in a specific situation. So...
- Forgive
It doesn't matter a person deserves your forgiveness or not, you deserve a weightless heart, a life free of bitterness. Forgiveness is never for the one who commits a mistake or hurts you. It is for the victim's peace. So for your own happiness's sake, forgive the guilty and your haters.
- Bless
Blessing your haters, enemies, and guilty is not a gesture, it is a level to achieve. Once you gain it you become a victorious soul, a winner in this world. This era is witnessing a crooked and twisted generation so we are. There are a few only who are carrying the burden ofrighteousness and values . So people really need good wishes. Spread blessings with love so that the universe gets compelled to give you back what you are giving. - Love
Everyone andeverything so that you live around the warmth of it. When you love others, you make a beautiful aura around you. It circulates care and hopes in the atmosphere, keeping it lighter and happier. - Let Go
Once you learn to accept the truth, forgive and bless who hurts you, and love your surroundings, letting go becomes very easy, so the heavy-looking task of "moving on".
Love Nature and the Natural
Respect, appreciate, and love nature and the natural. Nature inspires us to move on and get rid of a fixed position. Think of the sun and the moon, day and the nights, time and the years, growing and fading tree leaves, blooming and falling flowers, flowing streams and falls of water, moving, and drizzle-giving clouds.
They all silently teach us the law of nature which is 'Moving on' regardless of the time, situation, and mood. They always do what is to be done without complaining because they know a season will change, so the circumstances.
Go Through the 3-Fold Healing
Reverse All the Initial 6 Approaches in a Different Way
- Be timeless and free yourself from worldly worries.
- Become rebellious and swipe away the negative changes
- Don't let people make spoofs of your life story.
- Belong to no one and speak lesser for some time so that you can gather yourself and your life back to the happy zone. It is wise because one bad event invites a bad mood. And the bad mood invites many other bad events. Don't let this chain entangle you.
- Learn to get hurt for hurting yourself. "Love yourself" like you never before.
- Go against your own nature which stops you after a heartbreak or hurt because of people and the adverse situations of life. Say to yourself, 'No more stress, trauma, negativity, or drama!' Say to your life, 'I am ready to move ahead with the new and refreshing spirit!'